wtPLSQL Project

wtPLSQL is a white-box testing framework for Oracle database objects.

Demos and Examples

Test a Trigger


There are many kinds of triggers. All of them use PL/SQL to define actions taken when the trigger is activated.

The “Database PL/SQL Language Reference” (11.2) groups triggers this way:

Simple DML Triggers:

Before After
Before Delete After Delete
Before Insert After Insert
Before Update After Update

Compound DML Triggers:

Before Instead of After
Each Row Deleted Each Row Deleted Each Row Deleted
Each Row Inserted Each Row Inserted Each Row Inserted
Each Row Updated Each Row Updated Each Row Updated
Delete Statement   Delete Statement
Insert Statement   Insert Statement
Update Statement   Update Statement

Instead of DML Triggers:

Instead of
Instead of Delete
Instead of Insert
Instead of Update

System Triggers:

Before Instead of After
Alter Statement Alter Statement Alter Statement
Analyze Statement Analyze Statement Analyze Statement
Associate Statistics Associate Statistics Associate Statistics
Audit Statement Audit Statement Audit Statement
Comment Statement Comment Statement Comment Statement
Create Statement Create Statement Create Statement
Disassociate Statistics Disassociate Statistics Disassociate Statistics
Drop Statement Drop Statement Drop Statement
Grant Statement Grant Statement Grant Statement
Noaudit Statement Noaudit Statement Noaudit Statement
Rename Statement Rename Statement Rename Statement
Revoke Statement Revoke Statement Revoke Statement
Truncate Statement Truncate Statement Truncate Statement
User Logoff . User Logon
Database Shutdown . Database Startup
. . Servererror
. . User Suspend
. . DB Role Change

For brevity, an example is provided for only one of these triggers. Db Role Change

Table with Insert Trigger

Before a trigger an be created, a table must be created. The table will have a surrogate key, a natural key, and audit data.

Run this:

create sequence trigger_test_seq;

create table trigger_test_tab
  (id           number        constraint trigger_test_tab_nn1 not null
  ,name         varchar2(30)  constraint trigger_test_tab_nn2 not null
  ,created_dtm  date          constraint trigger_test_tab_nn3 not null
  ,constraint trigger_test_tab_pk primary key (id)
  ,constraint trigger_test_tab_uk1 unique (name)

The trigger to be tested does 2 things 1) Populate the surrogate key, if needed. 2) Overwrite the audit data.

Run this:

create or replace trigger trigger_test_bir
  before insert on trigger_test_tab
  for each row
  if :new.id is null
     :new.id := trigger_test_seq.nextval;
  end if;
  :new.created_dtm := sysdate;

Create a Simple Test Runner

All test runners are written as a PL/SQL package. A simple package is created first. A DBOUT is also identified.

Run this:

create or replace package trigger_test_pkg authid definer
   procedure wtplsql_run;
end trigger_test_pkg;

The trigger being tested is a table DML trigger. Testing of a table trigger like this requires a modification of the data in the table. The consequences of leaving this modified data after the test must be considered. In this test, the data modification will not be preserved.

This test case will only test a happy path.

Run this:

create or replace package body trigger_test_pkg
   procedure t_happy_path_1
      l_rec        trigger_test_tab%ROWTYPE;
      wt_assert.g_testcase := 'Constructor Happy Path 1';
      -- This uncommitted DML will ROLLBACK if an exception is raised.
      insert into trigger_test_tab (name) values ('Test1')
         returning id into l_rec.id;
      wt_assert.isnotnull (
         msg_in        => 'l_rec.id',
         check_this_in => l_rec.id);
      select * into l_rec from trigger_test_tab where id = l_rec.id;
      wt_assert.eq (
         msg_in          => 'l_rec.name',
         check_this_in   => l_rec.name,
         against_this_in => 'Test1');
      wt_assert.isnotnull (
         msg_in          => 'l_rec.created_dtm',
         check_this_in   => l_rec.created_dtm);
   end t_happy_path_1;
   procedure wtplsql_run
   end wtplsql_run;
end trigger_test_pkg;

Check the results

Run this:

set serveroutput on size unlimited format word_wrapped


And Get This:

    wtPLSQL 1.1.0 - Run ID 58: 23-Jun-2018 12:04:20 PM

       Total Test Cases:        1       Total Assertions:        3
  Minimum Interval msec:        0      Failed Assertions:        0
  Average Interval msec:       76       Error Assertions:        0
  Maximum Interval msec:      228             Test Yield:   100.00%
   Total Run Time (sec):      0.2

          Ignored Lines:        0   Total Profiled Lines:        5
         Excluded Lines:        0   Total Executed Lines:        4
  Minimum LineExec usec:        1     Not Executed Lines:        0
  Average LineExec usec:      137          Unknown Lines:        1
  Maximum LineExec usec:      326          Code Coverage:   100.00%
  Trigger Source Offset:        3

 - WTP_DEMO.TRIGGER_TEST_PKG Test Result Details (Test Run ID 58)
 ---- Test Case: Constructor Happy Path 1
 PASS  228ms l_rec.id. ISNOTNULL - Expected NOT NULL and got "15"
 PASS    0ms l_rec.name. EQ - Expected "Test1" and got "Test1"
 PASS    0ms l_rec.created_dtm. ISNOTNULL - Expected NOT NULL and got "23-JUN-2018 12:04:20"

 - WTP_DEMO.TRIGGER_TEST_BIR TRIGGER Code Coverage Details (Test Run ID 58)
Source               TotTime MinTime   MaxTime     
  Line Stat Occurs    (usec)  (usec)    (usec) Text
------ ---- ------ --------- ------- --------- ------------
     4 UNKN      0        11      11        11 begin
     5 EXEC      1       216     216       216   if :new.id is null
     7 EXEC      1       326     326       326      :new.id := trigger_test_seq.nextval;
     9 EXEC      1         4       1         3   :new.created_dtm := sysdate;
    10 EXEC      1         2       2         2 end;

This is report level 30, the most detailed level of reporting. Starting from the top, we find the test runner executed 1 test case and 3 assertions. All tests passed for a 100% yield. The code coverage for the trigger shows 5 profiles, 4 executed, and a code coverage of 100%. Notice the trigger offset of 3 which aligns the source code with the profiled lines.

This is not a complete test. More test cases are needed to confirm various values are handled correctly when inserted.

Demos and Examples