wtPLSQL Project

wtPLSQL is a white-box testing framework for Oracle database objects.

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Datatypes Supported

Oracle Data Type Families

*LONG and LONG RAW data length is limited to VARCHAR2 length in PL/SQL (32K).
**VARCHAR2 includes DATE and NUMBER using Implicit Data Conversions:

Many data types are converted to VARCHAR2 before comparison. This ensures most results are captured and reported exactly as they were tested.

There is a balance to strike between simplicity and localization. Many data types must be converted to “strings” before display. Converting a data type at the time it is displayed can lead to confusing results. Since each assertion includes the capture of the values that were compared, the values that are captured are the actual values tested.

An obvious drawback of this approach is running assertions when NLS settings must be set to something other than the setting that is needed for comparison. In this case, an explicit conversion can be made in the Test Runnner using the needed format.

Custom Error Codes

WT_TEXT_REPORT Detail Levels

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